Warcraft 2 .ppl palette editor

Palette ID

Browse for a .ppl file (forest.ppl, iceland.ppl, swamp.ppl, xswamp.ppl) then click on a palette color to edit it and save when done.
Players 2,4,5 have slightly different player colors on the forest palette vs any other palette.
Palette IDs 17-95 and 240-244 vary per palette. Palette IDs 4-9 vary on the xswamp palette. Palette ID 255 is gray not white on the swamp palette.
Players 2,7,8 have dedicated minimap colors in the palette. The other players use the lightest shades of their player colors.

Player Number Player Color Minimap palette byte offset Minimap palette ID Unit colors byte offsets Unit colors palette IDs
1 Red D0 208 D0-D3 208-211
2 Blue 01 1 D4-D7 212-215
3 Teal D8 216 D8-DB 216-219
4 Purple DC 220 DC-DF 220-223
5 Orange E0 224 E0-E3 224-227
6 Black E4 228 E4-E7 228-231
7 White FF 255 E8-EB 232-235
8 Yellow 02 2 0C-0F 12-15